We’re sharing favorite recent questions to 2014 candidates in competitive congressional and gubernatorial races. Browse to find questions that raise your important issues and then take a couple of minutes to sign-on & share!
Vote up asks to candidates vying for coveted Senate and House seats on issues like term limits, environmental protections, and gun control:
Support questions to Gubernatorial challengers on state-wide medicaid expansion, broadband access, and minimum wage legislation:
Ask Candidate Wendy Davis for Texas Governor:
- “Would you support legislative magazine capacity restrictions or modern sporting rifle restrictions?
Ask Incumbent Greg Abbott for Texas Governor:
To Lamar Smith for Texas House of Reps:
To David Alameel for Texas Senate:
To Rubén Hinojosa for Texas House of Reps:
To Incumbent Pat Roberts for Kansas Senate:
To Thom Tillis for North Carolina Senate:
To Michelle Nunn for Georgia Senate:
To Nathan Deal for Georgia Governor:
To Incumbent Rick Scott for Florida Governor:
To Charlie Crist for Florida Governor:
To Incumbent Sean Parnell for Alaska Governor:
To Bill Walker for Alaska Governor:
To Incumbent Mark Udall for Colorado Senate
To Cory Gardner for Colorado Senate:
To Tom Foley for Connecticut Governor:
To Incumbent Jerry Brown for California Governor:
To Incumbent John Hickenlooper for Colorado Governor:
Ask your own question here any time- just type in your ZIP, find your target, & share a link for a public response. Be sure to send over your published questions to maryam@askthem.io and we’ll make sure to include yours below: